Salam.. Hallooo! Hi everyone! How’s life? Im sorry for neglecting
my blog forrrrrrrr ageeeeeesssssss.. Hahaha.. It just dat I’ve been feeling some
kind of insecurity to post as how I used to due to some reasons =( huhu.. sad
aite? But it’s ok =) Im fine with it. So today, as stated in the title, Sayang my anak2 =) Heeeeee.. dis is not a post bout tips to take care of ur
anak2..sorry, wrong blog huhu.. I hv no children yet.. IM NOT EVEN MARRIED!
Well, for those who’s quite close to me, u must hv understand
dat I hv 2 anak, 3 actually but I usually take care of only 2 :’) N u know wad,
Nabil is the eldest, 10. N since he’s the abang, he’s
very matured than any other kids at his age. It’s simply bcoz of us, his
relatives, are mostly elder people n he has been mixing with us for the whole
of his life. So he seldom cry, whine like small kids =)
While waiting for me at the dentist.. |
He loves READING
BOOKS!! Like awwwwwwwwwwwww I love buying him books!! N one of his fav is Teka
Teki book =) He’s quite a shy boy, but he loves making frens. So he told me to
buy him teka teki book so dat he can asks people n b fren with them. When he’s
out of idea or cant recall the teka teki he ever read,
Hahaha.. For example
“Kakak, apa binatang yg hitam mcm semut, tp lg kecik dr
semut?” and
“Kakak, kenapa semut bpeluh pagi2?” Of coz I was like “Erh??!! Such
ques ever exist??” N he’s happy whenever people cant answer him! Hahaha..I miss
the way he laugh.. :’)
*Owh the answer is anak semut n semut tu g jogging pagi2*
Fhazrain in black, Nabil in red Building up imaginations =P |
Next is Fhazrain, 7. CAUTION:Never trust his
baiknya-budakcomelni face! Hahaha.. Yes he’s cute, photogenic,manja, loves to
smile n play, but he is also GANAS n NAKAL! Hahaha.. but tolonglaaa, he’s
curious, he’s growing up, he’s trying to figure out how things around him
works. So, he took out evrysingle screws of my brother’s remote control car to
see what is making the car move. He wanted to see if the badminton racket still
work without the strings, so he cut them off. So in the end, he always got
scolded :’( n it hurts my heart. I hate it when people get mad at the kids as
if they’re already an adult. Please laaa!! Haaaaaaa..marah nie..
Angkat kening nampak..hahaha |
N Fhazrain is
soooo hardworking. He loves to help me with the house chores. “Kakak nak
Fhazrain tlg x?” So he puts on his slippers to help me hanging the laundry
outside. He loves to ‘ayak tepung’ n doing the mixing with the mixer machine
whenever I bake. N whenever I hug him, he’ll hug me back n says “Hug kuat2
smpai kluar taik” hahahaha.. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhmm I miss him :’)
Dua2 belah tgn ada makanan woookkk Hahahaha.. |
Lastly, Iwan, 2. He seldom come to my house, but whenever
he is, I just cant stop smiling. Iwan is sweet n lovely, manja n is in the
phase of copying what people r doing. So, whenever I say, “Iwann~~” he’ll say “Kakak~~”
in dat cute tone, tilting his head to one side!
Menangis nk susu..ololoooo.. |
Arrrrrggggghhhh, I love to bite his cheeks bcoz he’s chubby,
like a burger as said by Nabil. Hahahaha.. Owh whenever his brothers start to
fight for toys or tv channels, he’ll report it to me. Hahahaha.. so cuteeeee!!
Taken about 5 years ago..hihi |
Budak2 kan, mcm mana skalipun dorang nakal buat kta marah, dorg jugak yg akn buat kta happy n tenang. Sbb apa? Sbb dorg xda dosa lagi..mseh sgt suci. N tpulang kpd kta yg akn corakkn. Mmg laa Im not their mother, but since I take care of them, n they spend most of their time with me, so indirectly my attitudes give some effect to them. Semoga jd anak yg soleh, bijak dn bguna kpd bgsa dan negara, Aminn.. :')