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QKULKAN??!! Iyerrr, word zira ajak laa yaa.. Heheh.. SWEET cake for BUDAK SWEET GLER!! Pergghhhhhhhhhhhh |
I'm a bit ermmm.. sad *isk2* for most of my frens were off to further their study oredy n some are going so0n.. sob2! Sdehhhh nyeeerrr.. Hv I tell u where I'm about to further mine? Hmm....
So0o, as wad u can see above, Alhamdulillah I was offered scholarship by JPA in medic n InsyaAllah will b going to INTEC, UiTM, Shah Alam in early July. N after the 2years of A-Level, I'll b leaving to INDIAAAAAA!! InsyaAllah.. heheh=P
N one of the requirement for this scholarship is, I hv to attend a 3days-programme, Program Pendedahan Kerjaya Sebenar Seorang Doktor, held in HUS from Monday till yterday. Hmm, how can I say... Ok laaa, can see the real picture of life being a doctor, life attending sick people n life dealing with the DEAD!!
Went to most departments in da hospital n RUMAH MAYAT!! Sayangnya xda mayat dat day, just certain body parts kept in freezer. Saw@observed@exprienced minor surgery procedure, blood taking, clerking, ward round, diagnosing, MMR*sesi prsentation bsama doctors n specialists, bncang sbb patient mati* n many more!!
Evrything seemed to be in rush, WE'RE DEALING WITH PEOPLE'S LIFE OKAYYYY!! Balit rumah grenti kepak n LAPARRRR*tedah baby eden.. hihi*.. Bila tgga org usung mayat kuar dr wad, bto0l2 mnyedihkan..=,(( Went to Pusat Jantung HUS, Kota Samarahan too n trust me, dat hospital really is 'sumthing'.. Rrrrrrrrr.... But undeniable awesome, superbly-new n fully computerised! Tabik spring st0oink2!!
"Being a doctor is noble, but u have to PAY for it. Be PREPARED" I heard dis a lot during the programme n I'm preparing myself, urghhhhhhh.... Allah please make me strong!! Aja2 fighting dr.ikha!!!